Friday, September 28, 2012

Introductory Post

Hello, internet! I'm rather new to the idea of blogging but it seems natural to me to start off with an introduction saying a bit about who I am and what I want to do with this blog. So first off, who am I and why should you care? My name is Eric and I am a recent graduate from the University of California at Davis where I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. After I completed the last of my classes, sat through a mostly boring graduation ceremony, and walked across the big stage I took my talents to Japan (get ready for some periodic basketball jokes, as it has been my favorite sport for about 15 years) to participate in the Nagoya University Summer Intensive Program (NUSIP). NUSIP was a program designed to bring together students from all over the world (US, UK, Saudi Arabia, and China to name a few) to learn about the latest automobile technology from regional experts from universities, corporate research labs, doctor's offices, and more. One of the perks of the program was the opportunity to visit local factories and research facilities.

If you're playing "Where's Eric?" you can find me (top) 3 to the right of the guy in the middle with the blue polo
Though we weren't allowed to take pictures in the facilities (proprietary technology and whatnot), we did take this sanctioned group photo in Toyota's factory near Nagoya. I had a great time on the trip and met a lot of great people who I hope I can keep in touch with over the years. After I got back from the trip, I had somewhat pressing concerns like moving out of my college apartment, writing my final paper for the program, presenting my experiences via PowerPoint to the Rotary Club, and a few more things.

However, after these concerns eventually disappeared, I was left with only the search for a job. Unfortunately, this entirely necessary task left me feeling a bit empty: after spending so much time over the course of my life in school learning, the task of filling out application forms and waiting for replies seemed droll. Due to this, I decided to finally fulfill a long goal of starting a blog to give me an avenue for expressing myself, learn more about interesting topics (with the goal of posting about them afterwards), and building an online home to call my own.

So here we are, step one of creating my new blog. My goal for the blog is to talk about projects I am working on (with the hope that others will find them useful or interesting), discuss engineering related topics (with the goal of satisfying my inquisitive mind and helping teach others what I learn), and talk about engineering news and the impact the subject I deeply enjoy has on the world. Some subjects I will blog about include (but will probably not be limited to) robotics, sustainable technology, computer aided design, automotive technology, and microcontroller projects involving Arduino.

If you're reading this, I hope you find the blog interesting. I am definitely looking forward to posting more :)